CHITIKA |New to online advertising and not know where to start?|Adsence Using|

New to online advertising and not know where to start?

This Beginner's Guide eBook provides tried and true advice for site owners looking for the perfect mix of higher online ad revenues while maintaining a welcoming user experience.
In this eBook, you will learn:
Exactly how to place the ads at the right place and time
​The effective and efficient use of ‘The Fold’
How CTR (click through rate) varies by the placement of the ad​
​What you can do to maintain a great user experience while maximizing revenue

So you have a website, and you want to start monetizing it. What’s next? Well, you have a lot of
options. With all of the different ad networks out there, it can be a bit overwhelming to get up and
running. It might seem easier to just drop an ad code on your website and forget about it, but in order to maximize your revenue (while still making the user experience on your site a good one), there are a few things to keep in mind. As a beginner, you should focus on these three main areas:

Ad Placement:

Believe it or not, the realtor’s mantra applies to your ad units. You might have an awesome site with great trafic, but it won’t matter if your ads aren’t in the right place. Ad placement can make or break a site’s chance at earning good ad revenue.

 Ad Customization:

If you aren’t accumulating as much revenue as you’d like,have you considered that maybe your ads don’t blend in with the rest of your page?This is just one of the problems site owners run into when their ad revenue just isn’t cutting it. Fortunately,customization features are typically available on ads and can ramp up your ad activity.Utilizing these tips is quick and easy… and the results will be more than worth it!

 Multiple Ad Use :

Obviously you won’t want to throw just one ad up on your website. However, there are certain guidelines you should follow should you decide to display more than one ad.Here are a few of the most basic things you need to know about displaying

1. We recommend showing up to three ads per page. Any more than that will actually have a negative effect on your ad revenue, as your users will experience “ad blindness” and disregard them completely!
2. Use different ad networks together. You don’t need to commit to just one! For example,publishers who use both Chitika Ads and Google AdSense together have seen a 30% boost in revenue, as opposed to if they used AdSense alone.

After your ads are successfully set up and you’re beginning to earn money, keep in mind that there are still many things you can do to boost your ad revenue! From site and ad optimization, to optimizing for high quality ads, the improvements you can make are endless.

CHITIKA |New to online advertising and not know where to start?|Adsence Using| CHITIKA |New to online advertising and not know where to start?|Adsence Using| Reviewed by Tips A To Z on May 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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